Cerist Triathlon Club held an event in memory of their secretary John Williams and raised £823 for the Bronglais Chemo Appeal.

John sadly passed away in June after being diagnosed with Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma and club members in Machynlleth wanted to support the appeal to pay tribute to his hard work and support for the club over many years.

Club treasurer Arwel Price said: “John was a great support to members, encouraging them to take part and helping with training. We decided a fitting tribute to him would be a non-competitive, social triathlon at Talyllyn Lake, involving an 800m swim, a 16-mile bike ride around the lake and a 5k run.

“The event was organised by head coach Gary Thapa and it was a chance for people to try out the triathlon disciplines, doing as much or as little as they wanted.

“Over 60 members, family and friends took part and it was lovely to see John’s wife Lynn and daughter Sian supporting on the day.

“It was a poignant but very successful day, a chance to chat and reminisce, and we are pleased to have raised over £800 through entry fees and donations for the unit where John received treatment.”