Health chiefs have raised concerns over mental health services in Ceredigion as a man was sectioned this week for stabbing and killing a pensioner in Borth.

David Kenneth Fleet, 20, who was living on High Street, in Borth, at the time of the incident, stabbed Lewis Stone three times in a random attack while 71-year-old Mr Stone was walking his dog.

Fleet, who pleaded guilty to manslaughter on the grounds of diminished responsibility, suffers from paranoid schizophrenia and claimed that he launched the attack as otherwise the voices in his head would kill him.

Judge Paul Thomas said, despite Fleet having a long history of mental illness, and having previously been sectioned, he had been assessed as being capable of being treated in the community and not needing in-patient care.

Ceredigion’s local committee of the Hywel Dda Community Health Council has already asked Hywel Dda Health Board about the availability of mental health services.

A member of the public had told the May meeting of the Ceredigion committee that Fleet had been “failed by mental health services” as he had not received the help he needed, despite approaching the service, leading to questions over the support available for people suffering from mental health issues.

Mr Stone, who was planning to move to Borth following his retirement, had been walking along a riverbank when he was attacked by Fleet.

Prosecutor Michael Jones said two police officers who were on duty by Borth Wild Animal Kingdom heard shouting from the direction of Talybont, with Mr Stone screaming “I’m being stabbed”.

See this week’s Aberystwyth paper for the full story, available in shops and as a digital edition now