The Welsh Blood Service is calling for volunteers to sign up for a potentially life-saving donation registry on World Marrow Donor Day.

The campaign, launched to coincide with World Marrow Donor Day on 21 September, hopes to sign up 4,000 new donors by 31 March 2025.

Every year, 2,000 people from the UK require a bone marrow transplant to treat certain blood cancers and disorders .

Sadly, three in every ten of those patients will never find a suitable donor and the odd are seven in ten if you come from a black, Asian, or ethnic minority background.

Head of the Welsh Bone Marrow Donor Registry, Christopher Harvey, said: “Blood cancer patients around the world face a daily, and increasingly urgent, search for a suitable stem cell match.

“The requirements for matching a patient with a donor are very specific, but the opportunity to find a life-saving match increases as more volunteers sign up.

“If you’re 16-30 from a Caucasian background or 16-45 from a black, Asian, mixed race or minority ethnic background, you could be the one person in the world who could be the match.”

To support the campaign or to sign up, visit