As Halloween approaches, Gwynedd families are being urged to protect children from flammable fancy dress costumes.

Paul Kay, Head of Fire Safety for North Wales Fire and Rescue Service, said: “We want people to enjoy Halloween, but to make sure they are aware of the potential dangers that can be faced if their costume catches fire.

“The popularity of Halloween fancy dress costumes for children has grown enormously in recent years and we issue this advice to warn people so that they can enjoy themselves while staying safe.”

Safety tips include checking labels on outfits to see what fire resistance they offer, using battery operated lights within home-made lanterns and pumpkins, keeping plastic capes and bin liners - often used as costumes - away from sparklers, candles or other naked flames, and taking extra care with candles.

If a costume does catch fire, the advice is to 'stop, drop and roll', making it harder for the flames to spread.

If you are with someone whose clothes have caught fire, get them to stop, drop and roll, then smother the flame with heavy material like a coat or blanket.

In an emergency cool any burns with large amounts of water and get urgent medical assistance.