Harlech and Caernarfon castles have been included in a campaign to support Organ Donation Week (September 23-29).

Cadw has teamed up with NHS Blood and Transplant to use light to help save lives, inspiring people to register their decision to be an organ donor and tell their families to support their decision.

Throughout Organ Donation Week, Caernarfon Castle, Beaumaris Castle, Conwy Castle, Harlech Castle and Denbigh Castle will be lit in pink in a show of solidarity with all those who have had their lives saved through an organ transplant, currently on the waiting list or made the brave decision to donate their organs after death.

More than 30 million people in the UK have already declared a decision through the NHS Organ Donor Register, including 1.6 million people in Wales.

Even though the law around organ donation has now changed to an ‘opt out’ system across the whole of the UK, family members will still always be involved before organ donation goes ahead.

Sadly, in recent years, support from families in Wales, when approached about their loved one donating their organs, has declined – so it is vital that anyone who wants to be a donor makes their decision known through the NHS Organ Donor Register. Research shows that 90 per cent of families approached about donation would honour that decision if their loved one had confirmed it on the Register.

Gwydion Griffiths, Head of Marketing and Tourism Development at Cadw said: “We are delighted to be supporting Organ Donation Week and we hope that lighting up the castles will not only show our support but get people talking about something so lifesaving.

“Sadly, many opportunities are lost every year in Wales because families don’t know if their loved one wanted to be a donor or not, so please sign the register and let your family know it’s something you want to do – to help save lives.”

Anthony Clarkson, Director of Organ and Tissue Donation and Transplantation for NHS Blood and Transplant said:

“It’s brilliant of Cadw to show support for Organ Donation Week by lighting up the castles pink – it should hopefully be a real conversation starter.

“There are almost 7,600 people currently on the active transplant waiting list in the UK, including 270 people in Wales, and sadly, people are dying every day in need of an organ transplant.

“We need people across Wales to not only register their decision on the NHS Organ Donor Register, but for families to support this decision so they don’t have to be faced with making that decision alone. This could be the difference between life and death for someone else.”

Register your donation decision at www.organdonation.nhs.uk