UK Government sanctions “must go further”, with Russia being made to “pay a heavy price” for invading Ukraine, according to Plaid politicians.

While Ceredigion MP Ben Lake welcomed the sanctions package, he said it must go further - with Russian President Vladimir Putin being “made to pay a heavy price for the unprovoked and illegal use of military force” on their neighbour.

Senedd Member for Ceredigion Elin Jones MS echoed Mr Lake’s calls, stating “Boris has not gone far enough yet”.

Ben Lake Ceredigion MP outside North Road Clinic
Ceredigion MP Ben Lake has called for the UK Government sanctions on Russia to “go further”. (Plaid Cymru)

Ben Lake MP has called for Russia to be expelled from the SWIFT system and for companies, including BP and Shell, to “immediately divest their Russian operations”.

Elin Jones MS added the UK must “break all financial and economic contact with Russia and Russian money”, urged Prime Minister Boris Johnson to deport “those known-Putin associates based in London”.

During a House of Commons debate on 24 February, Dwyfor Meirionnydd MP Liz Saville Roberts said Plaid Cymru “fully supports the sanctions”, after Russia’s “brutal, illegal attack on peace and stability in Europe”.

Today, Russian troops are advancing into Ukraine, with the battle for the country’s capital expected to take place over the next couple of days.

Sanctions on Russia were announced by the UK Government on 24 February.

They announced sanctions on Russian elites, companies, and financial institutions, with more than 100 companies and oligarchs at the heart of Putin’s regime will be hit with sanctions, asset freezes and travel bans.

Russian bank assets in the UK will be frozen, shutting off it’s banking system from UK finance markets. The UK is also banning Russian state-owned and key strategic private companies from raising finance on the UK financial markets.

Additionally, the government announced there will be new restrictions on trade and export controls against Russia’s hi-tech and strategic industries, Russia’s national airline, Aeroflot, banned from UK airspace, new restrictions to cut off wealthy Russians’ access to UK banks, and the UK will work with allies to exclude Russia from the SWIFT financial system.

Ben Lake MP added the UK’s immediate concern “must be the provision of humanitarian support for the Ukrainian people”, by supporting neighbouring countries with the impending influx of refugees by “offering sanctuary” in the UK.

He continued: “We can be certain that unless President Putin is made to pay a heavy price for the unprovoked and illegal use of military force, and for initiating a war of aggression on a neighbouring country, the world will be at risk of becoming a far more violent and turbulent place, and a future in which peace is far harder to guarantee.

“As such, the international community should continue to provide defensive weaponry to Ukraine and unite to impose stringent economic sanctions on Russia.

“While I have welcome the sanctions package announced yesterday by the UK, US and EU, we must go further and handicap Russian export revenues by expelling Russia from the SWIFT system. UK companies must also do their part, and I urge companies including BP and Shell to immediately divest their Russian operations.

“While such economic measures will not immediately stop Putin’s aggression, it will disrupt his war chest and make clear that such aggression comes at a heavy long-term cost.”

Ceredigion MS Elin Jones outside Bronglais Hospital.
Ceredigion MS Elin Jones urged the UK Government to “deport those known Putin associates based in London”. (Plaid Cymru)

Elin Jones MS said: “I fear for the safety and the democracy of Ukrainians and I’m also thinking of people in Ceredigion who have family and friends in peril in the Ukraine.

“Why Putin choses war and death over peace and life is beyond me. The UK must immediately break all financial and economic contact with Russia and Russian money. Those oligarchs who have thrived under Putin must now be made to face the consequences of his actions.”

Addressing the House of Commons, Liz Saville Roberts MP said: “Putin’s war on Ukraine is brutal, illegal and an attack on peace and stability in Europe. Plaid Cymru fully supports the sanctions announced today. Putin, his cronies and their personal fortunes must pay the price for their actions.

“On a visit to Ukraine, Plaid Cymru leader Adam Price spoke to Ukrainian soldiers, government officials and organisations – admiring the Ukrainian people for their strength and resilience. They are now in harm’s way.

“With Poland organising medical assistance and Slovakia opening its borders to Ukrainian refugees, will his Government mobilise and resource a global effort to support and aid people fleeing this horrific conflict?”

Caernarfon Ukraine protest
Around 250 people gathered for a rally, in support of Ukraine, in Caernarfon earlier today (Plaid Cymru)