Bird lovers anxiously await the return of Glaslyn’s ospreys as the Porthmadog centre gets ready to reopen.

Home to ospreys since 2004, the Pont Croesor centre, which attracts thousands of visitors yearly, reopens on Monday, 24 March.

Resident pair Aran and Elen will find a newly restored nest there.

Built in 2014, the old nest has been well used by all three Glaslyn pairings – 11(98) and Mrs G, Mrs G and Aran and Elen and Aran. Twenty-six chicks successfully fledged the nest but parts of it were deteriorating and needed replacing. A new oak perch has also been installed.

This is the fourth version of the nest. The first was built by 11(98) and Mrs G in 2004, but was blown down in a storm that summer. A replacement man-made nest was built for them in 2005, which the pair successfully used until the Friends of the Ospreys built the 2014 version.

Darren Moore and his team from Friends of the Ospreys have also kindly constructed the latest new-look nest for the project atop the 80-foot Silver Fir tree. Pont Croesor visitors can enjoy live views of activities from two osprey nests on screens at the visitor centre and the John Parry Hide.

The nests can also be viewed through telescopes and with a total of four pairs of breeding ospreys in the valley last year, there are sure to be sightings of the birds soaring high above.

Aran and Elen bred together for the second time last year and raised three chicks. They are due to arrive back from their winter migration in Africa from late March.

The centre, refreshment area and gift shop will open every day from 10.30am-4.30pm.

Entry is free but donations are welcome.

For more and to see the nest live, visit