Religious Demonologist Chris DeFlorio will be in Aberystwyth this week to attend the screening of It’s Comingat Abertoir Film Festival.
DeFlorio, who is featured in the documentary with his wife Harmony, travels the globe to visit those who claim to be afflicted by witchcraft, hauntings, and possession.
He was called to join the documentary when the production company realized the family they were filming with were struggling with an evil entity, and the youngest son had befriended it.
In the film, the DeFlorios worked to rid the family and the home of the evil entities and thought all would be calm, until a chilling message from a previous client made them question everything.
Chris will be at Aberystwyth Arts Centre tomorrow and Thursday, 15 and 16 November, andIt’s Coming will be screened Thursday at 1pm.
Speaking about the documentary, Chris said: “Film-maker Shannon Alexander was in the process of filming a documentary about a family regarding sleep paralysis.
"During the filming he began to capture paranormal activity in the home. As well the family began to experience this activity, hearing voices and seeing large black shadow figures walking around the house. "Finally, the entity began to target the seven-year-old son trying to become friends at first as he played children games but progressing to where the child thought this black figure wanted to kill him. The mother and film-maker decided they needed help to get rid of this.

“August of 2022, Shannon called me up and asked if my wife, Harmony and I would come to the apartment and help this family. When Harmony and I heard a child was involved we dropped other cases and ran right over. I will not work a case without Harmony. She brings such an amazing dynamic through love and care giving that a case just does not flow without her by my side. The film shows a good example of this as the family was visibly distraught.
“As we walked into the apartment, I could feel a presence. It is something you can't explain in words but a feeling you never forget after the first time you're exposed to it. It reminded me of the first time I came face to face with true evil, locking eyes with a possessed man in Africa years ago.
“We began as we always do, getting a good understanding through interviewing the entire family. I truly believe that having a background as a paramedic with the New York City Fire Department in the 90’s and then as an NYPD Police Officer for 20 years, thoroughly prepared me for this type of “work”. When you walk into an apartment and cameras are rolling for the documentary, only years of that experience would have me trained to block out any outside interferences and focus on the task at hand. Faith, understanding of biblical doctrine, interview techniques and investigation skills learned through many years of experience from both professions are the key to taking on this “work”.
“We began the interview with the mother and children as we began to investigate the apartment with our equipment. A good understanding of the invitation into their lives and the source of activity were going to be needed to help free the family from this malevolent spirit.
“There was no delay in picking up outlines and mapping of a spirit on my device. Alarms were going off on devices programmed to pick up energy in that local area. Also, we would feel the effects of physical attacks throughout the night. There was evil in this apartment.
“At one point, an evil spirit began to walk towards Harmony in one part of the room. I made a split-second decision to do something not so safe to keep this thing from my wife. This was the moment I realized it was not just this family that was in danger, but my wife and I were now targets as well. Protecting my wife while working cases has always been my priority and tonight, I knew I was going to be put to the test...I had no idea of what was in store.
“We began the minor exorcism of the home. This can be the time that a demonic entity can tip its hand because one thing it hates is anything sacred and anything from God.
"This is where it lacks control and will expose itself. As I began to read specific prayers and scriptures, something occurred in the apartment that is shown in the film, that connected these demonic attacks specifically to the last case we worked in Upstate, NY.
"I knew this was a distraction tactic by the presence, but I would later learn, there was truth to it. This event in the film has been a curious topic for audience members that I get asked about.
"I enjoy the interaction with the audience and explaining deeper meanings of events of the film after the viewings. It honestly is something straight out of a horror movie, but I assure you, it is all true. After this case, we knew that we were on the radar of these demonic entities and that we were in a real-life battle between good and evil, God and the Devil...This battle would be won or lost in the trenches because it was going to be a long night.
“I would love to give more details but to see the outcome, you'll have to watch the film. There will be some scares as you feel a roller-coaster of emotions and you will also learn some truth about this very debatable topic. You will enjoy the film.”