The Welsh Government has backed plans to reintroduce beavers into the wild.

Huw Irranca-Davies MS, Cabinet Secretary for Climate Change and Rural Affairs said on Thursday that the Welsh Government is to move towards the managed reintroduction of European beavers across Wales.

Beavers were once a native species in Wales, before they were hunted to extinction for their valuable pelts, castoreum and meat.

Mr Irranca-Davies said: “Often referred to as "nature's engineers," their activities, such as building dams, create ponds and wetlands which help store water and support natural flood management. “Beaver dams can also contribute to improving water quality by storing sediments containing nutrients and pollutants, reducing the amounts that will be transported downstream.

“This in turn creates rich and diverse habitats supporting a wide variety of other species. Their ability to shape ecosystems highlights their importance as a keystone species in maintaining ecological balance.

“The managed reintroduction of beavers in Wales will focus on renewed coexistence where wildlife can thrive alongside human communities.

“Small populations of beavers are already present in the wild in Wales but they are not recognised as a native species nor afforded legal protection.

“As a first step, this year I will provide an opportunity for people to make representations on the proposed legislative changes necessary to safeguard current and future populations in the wild.

“I recognise that some landowners have concerns about their impact on farmland and the potential to spread disease.

“To address this, I have asked my officials to engage early with stakeholders to enable a range of perspectives to be heard.

My officials will also work closely with Natural Resources Wales to determine the next steps for the future of beavers in Wales.”

The move has been welcomed by the Wildlife Trust.

Tim Birch, Senior Policy & Advocacy Manager said: “It's vital that we bring back beavers to Wales as a matter of urgency. The nature and climate crises grow more acute by the day with flood warnings regularly occurring across Wales.

“Beavers can help provide a natural solution to water pollution and to the flooding which is devastating homes and businesses.”