NFU Cymru and FUW have welcomed the strong farmer and farm vet representation on the new Welsh Government Bovine TB Programme Board.

The Cabinet Secretary for Climate Change and Rural Affairs, Huw Irranca-Davies has announced that he has appointed Sharon Hammond as the Chair of the Board which will oversee and provide guidance to Welsh Government on their TB eradication programme.

Mid Wales farmer, Sharon, who is also a member of the NFU Cymru TB focus group will be joined by fellow focus group members Roger Lewis and Evan Roberts on the Programme Board along with an NFU Cymru staff representative, who along with other representation from farmers and the veterinary profession, will provide strategic advice to the Welsh Chief Veterinary Office and Welsh Ministers.

NFU Cymru President Aled Jones said: “The Programme Board has incredibly important work to do in driving forward a route to eradication of this terrible disease, something the future generations of cattle farmers in Wales depend on. In the period from April 2023 to March 2024, over 11,000 cattle were slaughtered because of bovine TB in Wales, a sobering statistic that we cannot allow to continue. In this respect NFU Cymru continue to call for a comprehensive disease eradication strategy that tackles this disease wherever it exists.

“Three years ago, the NFU Cymru TB Focus Group was formed to help inform our views on TB policy and to identify where improvements could be made to policy without risking disease control. We stand ready to use our seat on the Programme Board to take forward the views of our membership to the board, whether those views be from farmers where TB is present on the farm or is threatening at the door.”

FUW Deputy President and dairy farmer, Dai Miles said: “We are keen to play our part on the Eradication Programme Board and work closely with the Technical Advisory Group in reviewing important matters relevant to bovine TB eradication.

“As an industry, we can not continue with the status quo. We must grasp this opportunity to work collaboratively as an industry to influence and direct change, not only for the present health and wellbeing of our cattle and farmers, but also for our future generations.”

Eradicating bovine TB is a massively complex and emotive subject, where farmgate frustrations towards ineffective policies fuelled the farming sectors’ protests during the spring of 2024. One of the first tasks of the Programme Board will be to consider the analysis of the bovine TB 6-year milestone target review and policy relating to the management of Inconclusive Reactor test results.

Cattle keepers continue to be shackled by this on-going disease with no inroads being made in achieving the Welsh Government's goal of bovine TB freedom by 2041 despite huge sacrifices being imposed on farming businesses.

Other members of the board are: beef farmer, Gemma Haines; Pembrokeshire dairy farmer, Roger Lewis; dairy farmer, Evan Roberts; FUW’s Alan Gardner; Professor Glyn Hewinson from Aberystwyth University and veterinary representatives, Sian Evans and Philip Thomas.