The Royal Welsh Agricultural Society (RWAS) has welcomed the news that plans to change the school holidays have been put on hold.

The Cabinet Secretary for Education Lynne Neagle said that plans to change the school year will not happen this Senedd term, in order to allow schools to deliver other reforms and improve attainment.

No decision will be now made before the next Senedd election in 2026 - meaning that any future changes to the school year are unlikely to be introduced before 2028.

If proposals had gone though, the half-term break in October 2025 would have been extended to a fortnight, with a five-week rather than six-week holiday in summer 2026.

Admitting that opinion was “hugely divided” on the issue, Ms Neagle said: “To ensure we get this right, we need to continue listening to and engaging with schools, teachers, unions as well as children, young people and parents on how best we can implement any changes in the future.

“I am acutely aware we are asking a lot of teachers and schools. They are supporting our ambitious transformation of education in Wales and they need the time and the space to ensure these reforms deliver for children and young people.

“I want to prioritise ongoing school reforms and improving attainment and therefore, no changes will be made to the school year this Senedd term.”

Earlier this year, the RWAS said that the proposed changes to the school holidays could lead to a £1m loss for the Royal Welsh Show.

This reduction in the summer break would have meant meaning schools were open during the Show - which runs during the first week of the school summer holidays.

The RWAS feared this would prevent children and families from attending, and that this in turn, would jeopardise the show’s future.

They said loss was calculated based on “reduced gate sales, membership, and camping revenue”.

The RWAS has this week welcomed the shelving of the plans, although is still awaiting for clarification regarding the situation in the long term.

Aled Rhys Jones, RWAS Chief Executive said: "If our Show had been forced to happen whilst Welsh children were still at school, its future viability would be in question. It’s the biggest event of its kind in Europe and contributes massively to Welsh culture and the economy.

“With pupils now free to attend the Show, we can continue to provide them with the same valuable extra-curricular experiences and opportunities which we have always done. We can continue to be partners in educating our young people."

Chair of the RWAS Council, Nicola Davies added: "We are extremely grateful to all our members for voicing their objection to the Government's consultation.

“Their response proved that our festival is one that is appreciated by town and country residents alike. No-one will now be deprived the opportunity to attend the show, and the show will not be deprived its part in developing a prosperous Wales. But should the show’s existence be questioned again in the future, we’re confident that our loyal members would mount a further protection campaign."

This year’s Royal Welsh Show will be held between July 22 and 25 at the showground in Llanelwedd.

James Evans, MS for Brecon and Radnorshire, also welcomed the news.

“These changes would have had a massive impact on many areas, including the quality of the teaching and learning of young people, to the devastating impact these changes would have had on the Royal Welsh Show,” he said.

“I will keep putting pressure on Welsh Government to keep these proposals off the table, as what they need to focus on is delivering for our children - not tinkering with the school year.”