The Cambrian Mountain society says mid Wales farmers are being left out in the cold due to not having official government recognition.

A new scheme called Ffermio Bro has been set up to support farming in Welsh language areas, but has been limited to those in national parks or national landscapes.

The Cambrian Mountain Society has been campaigning to have the region established as a Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty.

The society said: “Many people imagine that the Cambrian Mountains are already designated in this way since 2022 when nearly 22,000 people signed the Cambrian Mountains Society’s Senedd Petition seeking AONB status.

“But in fact, nothing has yet been done.

“The indifference of Plaid Cymru, and Ceredigion County Council in particular, to the many economic benefits which designation would bring to the region, is largely to blame.

“Today, farmers are struggling with the loss of CAP subsidies and the endless postponement of the Sustainable Farming Scheme.

“Access to the extra funding represented by Ffermio Bro could make the difference for Cambrian farming families between future viability and yet more farms being sold for conifer planting, or simply abandoned.

“It is high time our councillors and Senedd Members realised that this iconic, historic Welsh landscape and the farmers who have managed it for hundreds of years, deserve national status.”

The Ffermio Bro scheme says it will provide additional investment to allow farmers to work in partnership with Designated Landscape management bodies to deliver bigger and better outcomes for the environment, visitors and communities.

The scheme website adds: “It will integrate incentives for positive farming practices with Designated Landscapes purposes.

“This is a great opportunity for Designated Landscapes, farmers and partners to collaborate, building on existing relationships and the track record of Designated Landscapes in managing agri-environment and habitat programmes.