A quiz night was held at the White Hart Community Inn in St Dogmaels to raise funds for Extinction Rebellion, to help local people attend The Big One in London on 21 April.

Nine teams took part and a good evening was had by all. It was a close-run thing and a tie-breaker was needed to find a winner on the night.

The organisers would like to thank the White Hart for giving everyone such a warm welcome.­

“The Big One is different from anything XR has done before; this time it’s about attendance, not arrests. Politicians would rather take fossil fuel donations than prevent climate chaos,” an XR spokesperson said. “It’s time for us to let them know how we feel about this and that 2023 is the year for drastic climate action.“

“In April in Westminster, thousands of people will gather peacefully to tell the government that we can’t afford this anymore.

“Gathering day after day in large numbers means we can leave the locks, glue and paint behind and instead demonstrate faith in a critical mass of people to create a moment that’s impossible to ignore.

“The invitation is to all humans, all movements, all organisations to come together from 21 to 24 April at the Houses of Parliament, Westminster.”

To enable as many local people to attend as possible, XR Cardigan has organised a coach to London on 21 April (returning the same day) and accommodation for anyone able to stay longer. More information is available at tinyurl­.com/BigOneWestWales