A tidal flood warning has been issued for Borth today.
Natural Resources Wales has issued the warning due to high tide levels and overtopping waves causing a risk of flooding to properties near Glanlerry Caravan Park and the animalarium.
NRW said: "This flood warning is based on a Tidal Forecast. The high tide is at 8.30am and is expected to reach 2.94m metres above Ordnance Datum.
"Flood defences are now in operation. Overtopping or breaches of these defences may cause flooding to properties at risk."
The next high tide in Borth is at 8.27pm tonight.
If you are worried or experiencing flooding, call Floodline on 0345 988 1188.
You can visit Natural Resources Wales website to see the current flood warnings in force, check the river and sea levels or keep an eye on the 5-day flood risk forecast.