An Aberystwyth University fund is offering musicians the chance to produce their own Welsh language music video.
The Music Video Innovation Fund offers artists with an idea for a Welsh music video up to £1,000 funding, as well as one to one mentoring from Orchard Media and Events Group, a company which has produced music videos for S4C and other Welsh broadcasters.
Winners will also be given free access to a studio in Aberystwyth, complete with recording and production kit.
Applicants to the fund will need to pitch their idea for a Welsh music video, giving an outline of what will be in it, as well as some basic details about themselves.
The fund is open to all artists, directors and producers. ‘Emerging producers’ are particularly encouraged to apply.
There is no set cap on the amount of successful applications. The fund’s organisers said: “It depends how much people ask for and how many applications there are, but there is no set limit on successful applications.”
The fund was organised by Dr. Kate Woodward and Dr. Greg Bevan in Aberystwyth University’s Department of Theatre, Film & Television Studies is part of the pair’s Fideos Cerddorol research project - a project exploring the ‘past, present and future’ of Welsh language music videos.
Dr Woodward said: “We wanted this project to do more than just look back at Welsh music videos, we wanted to contribute to its future.
“One of the reasons we’re interested in music videos is that music videos can be some of the most experimental work, they can really push the boundaries of what’s possible visually. The main question of the project is whether the role of Welsh music videos are different to the role of the more mainstream Anglo American music videos.
Dr Woodward said: “My advice to anyone thinking of applying would be to go for it, think creatively and go for it.”
Applications for the fund close at midnight 4 June.