2024 promises to be a busy and exciting year for Arad Goch Theatre Company, as they kick it off with a new production for children.

Cymrix is a new Welsh language play by the playwright Alun Saunders that deals with Welsh identity and the Welsh language through the eyes of three young people.

Alun is known as a versatile performer and has vast experience of writing for television and the stage.

He was most recently recognised for Curiad Coll – an adaptation of the popular graphic novel Heartstopper into the Welsh language.

Alun said: “As somebody who’s been very aware of Arad Goch’s fantastic work for years, I’m so excited to finally be working with the company for the first time on Cymrix.

“I truly hope that everybody who sees the production enjoys (most importantly!) but also has an opportunity to consider something new about what Wales and Welshness means to them, whoever they are!”

Returning to perform in Cymrix are three actors who are familiar faces in the company’s work – Gwern Phillips (Where the Leaves Blow, Jemima), Huw Ferguson (Twm Sion Cati, Crossing the Line) and Niamh Moulton (Inside Outside, Jemima).

“I’m very excited to be working again with Arad Goch on Cymrix in the new year, it was such a pleasure to work on other productions with the company: Inside Outside in 2021, and also the summer tour Jemima in 2023,” said Niamh.

“I really enjoy working for the company, and touring another challenging, fun and honest production will be very exciting.”

Directing Cymrix will be Ffion Wyn Bowen, the company’s assistant artistic director, with Luned Gwawr as designer and Ellie Reynolds will be joining the company for the first time as stage manager.

The production will tour schools in Ceredigion and Carmarthenshire in February and March, performing for pupils in Years 5, 6 and 7, therefore bridging both primary and secondary education.

Cymrix is a fun, cheeky and honest insight into the challenges of being a young Welsh person today.

For more information, visit the website www.aradgoch.cymru or contact them on [email protected] or 01970 617998.

Following the tour of Cymrix, Arad Goch will be hosting Opening Doors – Wales’ International theatre festival for young audiences from 12 to 16 March.

Then between May and July Cerdyn Post o Wlad y Rwla, Arad Goch’s summer production, will be touring theatres and venues throughout Wales.