Machynlleth’s El Sueño Existe headliner has taken the mainstage by storm.

Frida Violeta Band is a multi-national multi-instrumentalist all-female team that, on the weekend of 9-11 August, embodied the spirit of the liberal arts festival.

The Latin American festival touts the ideology of murdered Chilean activist and artist Victor Jara.

In the big top tent on Saturday night, Frida Violeta played Latin American music fusing Mexican, Chilean and Argentinian sounds with a British cellist and a lead singer bringing her traditional Indian harmonies to create an uplifting and fresh sound.

The end of the vigil for Raymi Willka
The end of the vigil for Raymi Willka (Deb Luxon)

Also headlining was Columbian rap trio Zona Marginal who brought liberation beats to the Dyfi Valley.

The 19th El Sueño was attended by hundreds of locals and Latin American people from across the UK.

It celebrated Latin American culture with dance workshops, stalls selling hand-made crafts and talks including one on planting trees in memory of Chilean Pinochet victims.

Tony Corden, festival co-founder, said: “The festival was a wonderful collage of music, poetry, drama and radical politics.

“Attended by many Latin Americans, especially those from Chile and Bolivia, we are so happy their cultures can be celebrated amongst the mountains of Wales.”

It wasn’t all celebration however as the El Sueño family suffered a loss this year.

Only two weeks ago Andean Sagrada Familia band lost their 14-year-old son Raymi Willka.

The band made up of Raymi and parents Carlos Saldana and Jeanette Rojas were regulars at the festival.

In place of their Saturday afternoon performance was a vigil open welcome to all to pay tribute to Raymi and support the family.

A shrine for Raymi was created with flowers and candles placed around a picture of him by the mainstage, whilst singing was led by another performer for the large audience in attendance.

Tony added: “The festival was overshadowed by the tragic death of brilliant Bolivian musician Raymi.

“All who knew him were devastated.

“A moving ceremony of homage to Raymi took place on Saturday and our hearts go out to his parents.”

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