A Machynlleth musician has released her debut album with support from her community.

On 10 May Alys Hardy, 25, released soulful indie folk album In Retrospect with Ffin Records, stating it is a collaborative effort thanks to the creative minds of her town.

The Cardiff musician moved to Machynlleth in 2021 and “got drawn into the magic” of the Dyfi Valley music scene where she met producer Mike West, who helped her record in his Borth studio.

The musician learnt piano at four, taught herself guitar at 13, and wrote album title song In Retrospect when she was just 16.

She said: “I never thought these songs would see the light of day. I didn't even like singing in front of people until 2021.

“I always knew I wanted to do music but was put off- scared I’d be bad at it or wouldn’t enjoy it.

“Then Covid happened and I realised what was important - music and my family.

“I met Mike West and he gave me the belief and encouragement I needed.

“He helped bring these songs to life.”

Alys, a DJ, songwriter and singer, was literally born in the music room of her family home to a guitarist mum and a producer dad.

Living in Machynlleth has helped her “rediscover music” after studying in Edinburgh.

Her album dream was made real by Mike and his 14-year-old son Julian, an “excellent” drummer, and Alys’ dad who played trumpet.

Music engineer and producer Mike, who discovered Alys during a session at Machynlleth’s Skinners Arms, said: “I’ve been making records with people for 30 years- Alys is a beautiful soulful singer and feels her music deeply.

“This is just the beginning for Alys - she’s a profound musician and will go from strength to strength.

“To facilitate musicians with so many years ahead of them and have such a musical centre is very exciting.”

Buy the album at Alys’ gigs, Machynlleth’s Hermit Crab Cafe and Deco Shop, Tangled Parrot in Carmarthen or online on Bandcamp or Spotify.