Pianist Llŷr Williams will perform in mid Wales to raise funds for Welsh Countryside Charity CPRW.

Llŷr performs with orchestras around the world including the BBC Symphony Orchestra, BBC National Orchestra of Wales and BBC Proms in London.

The concert will be held on Saturday, 8 June (7.30pm) at Gregynog Hall, Powys.

The concert is a fundraising event for CPRW, with revenue from all tickets going directly to protect and care for the environment.

CPRW was founded in 1928. The charity is passionate about creating a countryside that works for everyone, protecting wild spaces for and to enable a sustainable rural community for all.

Llŷr said: “As CPRW’s ambassador I’m honoured to be performing to help raise funds for the charity.

“I’m passionate about protecting and conserving the beautiful landscapes of Wales.

“Growing up in north Wales with the outdoors on my doorstep, I am keen to ensure the countryside will be looked after for the next generation.

“Gregynog Music Room is a beautiful setting; I am looking forward to playing there.”

Llŷr will open with Beethoven’s Sonata op.31 no.2 ‘The Tempest’ and Beethoven’s Sonata op.53 ‘Waldstein’ to close. He will be joined by violinist Ezo Sarici who will perform a solo piece by contemporary composer Huw Watkins.

CPRW Chairman Jonty Colchester said: “We thank you in advance for purchasing a ticket and supporting CPRW.

“It will be an unforgettable evening of beautiful music at Gregynog Hall, all for such an important cause – protecting our wild spaces and sustainable communities for all.”

For more information please visit cprw.org.uk.

To book tickets (£14) visit the CPRW website, call 01938 552525 or email [email protected].