Photography by Coleg Meirion-Dwyfor student Oskar Jones was included in an exhibition in London last month.

His work was part of ‘Origins Creatives 2024’, hosted by University of the Arts London at the Mall Galleries near Buckingham Palace.

His submission, College Days, is a photo book, using experimental photography to communicate his peers’ individuality and freedom to express themselves within their new college environment.

It was selected from more than 500 submissions by UAL, the awarding body for Coleg Meirion-Dwyfor’s Level 3 Art and Design course.

Oskar has just completed his first year of the course at the Dolgellau campus, where he also studies AS Photography.

He said: “I'm proud of what I've been able to accomplish, so having the opportunity to exhibit my work to this many people is so rewarding. It also helps with my confidence - if I can get this far with the skills I have now, then who knows what I can do in the future with years more of experience?”

Oskar praised his college tutors for nurturing his talent, saying: “I couldn't have done this project without everything I've learnt over the year.

“Doing this course has been one of the best decisions I've made, and I don't think I'd be as comfortable anywhere else.

“The support and resources the college has provided has been incredible. Not just for my college work, but also my own personal projects which have helped me develop skills I'll use for my career. The course has pushed me to experiment in mediums I'd never thought to pick up before.

“One of the best things is being able to talk to staff who are experienced in their specialties. Discussing work and getting feedback from them is so valuable. I've spent a lot of time in the darkroom this year, trying to understand the ins and outs of the medium. I want to explore further next year though, to see what I can achieve in a 3D space.”

Learn more about the college’s courses in Art and Design and Photography at