Special guests at the next Cardigan Cellar Bards are Susie and Ben Wildsmith, very different writers who between them will bring irreverent journalism and incisive comment about politics and rugby, plus witty and heart-warming poetry.

Doors and the bar open at the Cellar, Quay Street, at 7.30pm on Friday, 12 July. Entry is £3. Open mic spots are available – sign up on the door by 8pm.

Ben Wildsmith is a Nation.Cymru columnist, writing about politics and rugby twice a week. His book, Flags & Bones (Cambria Books, 2023) pulls together his irreverent journalism and the second instalment will be out this autumn.

A Hay Festival Writer at Work and has published short fiction and poetry, Ben is currently working on a memoir about adoption and identity to be published by Calon in 2026. He’s been a performing musician since he was 15 and his album Damn My Sense of Humour will be released in 2025. He lives in Rhondda Fach with wife, Susie, and a mounting sense of dread.

Susie Wild is author of the poetry collections Windfalls and Better Houses, the short story collection The Art of Contraception listed for the Edge Hill Prize, and the novella Arrivals. Her work has featured in many publications including Poetry Wales, Celine’s Soho Salon: The Anthology, #TheCodex, Ink Sweat & Tears and The Atlanta Review and she has performed at festivals including The Laugharne Weekend, Green Man and Glastonbury. Susie lives in Rhondda Fach with husband Ben and a TBR pile almost as high as Llanwonno.

Cellar Bards meet on the second Friday of the month. A great programme planned for the rest of this year includes guest readings and performances from top poets Rae Howells, Kittie Belltree, Chrys Salt, Tony Curtis and Des Mannay.

Writers of poetry, short stories, micro-fiction and novels are welcome on the open mic. Put your name down at the door on the night (max four minutes each). Or go along to listen to some great guests and spoken word performances from talented regulars.

See The Cellar Bards Facebook page for more.