A free exhibition of art is on display at Bronglais Hospital, Aberystwyth.

The exhibition is by Borth Arts, a group of artists living and working in Borth.

The 14 artists, who are exhibiting over 40 pieces of work at the hospital, range from beginners to well established creatives.

Jill Johnson, who coordinated the exhibition, is pleased to be working once again with HAUL.

HAUL is an organisation which promotes art in health. They work closely with the health authority to deliver a range of activities for people who are ill or recovering from illness. They also support carers and those who work in the caring professions. Putting a series of changing exhibitions in the refectory at Bronglais Hospital is one of the many ways in which HAUL support those who care.

Jill said the exhibition “is such a great opportunity to show some of the local talent that we have in our village.”

She added: “As a group we want to promote Borth and showings paintings, drawings, textiles and prints is just one strand of our activities.

“It is so positive to hear the comments from staff and visitors to the exhibition and it can only benefit people to feel uplifted by the art works.

“The changing exhibitions at Bronglais make a marked difference on the wellbeing of those who visit.

“Art and culture play an important part in our environment and the well being of the wider community.”

The refectory is open to visitors and staff. The works on show are for sale and part of the money made goes towards helping HAUL deliver their activities.

Jill said: “Our aim is to support artists, writers, drama and musicians as well as HAUL.

“The creative element of our work results in a very active and positive tonic for so many people.

Works by Bodge, Stuart Evans, Mary Francis, Linda Henry, Neil Johnson, Sue Lee, Diane Logan, Emma Maar, Hannah Mann, Mike Mann, Martine Ormerod, Sarah Pugh, Eve Smith, Wendy Talbot are all included in the exhibition.

The exhibition runs until 9 December.