Join Elinor Bennett at the National Library of Wales, Aberystwyth, to hear the fascinating story of Edward Jones, a farmer's son from Gwynedd, who rose to become harpist to King George IV.

A renowned harpist, teacher and music collector, Jones worked passionately to ensure generations after him would know the traditional tunes of his native country.

Without his work collecting music and poetry from harpists, poets and singers, and publishing them, it is almost certain that much of the traditional music of Wales would have been forgotten.

In September 1824, Edward Jones, dubbed ‘The King's Bard’, died in poverty and loneliness in London. This lecture-recital remembers and celebrates him.

Elinor Bennett is amongst Wales’ foremost harpists.

This Welsh language event (simultaneous translation provided) is free, but donations are appreciated.

Tickets should be booked on the library website. You can also book to see the event online.

Edward Jones: Bary Y Brennin – Elinor Bennet is at the National Library of Wales, on Tuesday, 17 September (1pm).