Aberystwyth Choral Society (ACS) has appointed two new committee members.
Choir Secretary Jacqueline Yallop sings with the sopranos, is an English and Creative Writing lecturer at Aberystwyth University, and also a critically acclaimed author.
Former Penglais student Ramy Elabbadi is Vice-Chair. The bass singer, who previously sang with the Elizabethan Madrigal Singers, studied Engineering at Bath University before returning to Aberystwyth as a research engineer at Aber Instruments.
ACS is well into rehearsals for its spring concert at Aberystwyth Arts Centre on 26 April.
The main work Johannes Brahms’s Requiem. Their first piece is the rarely performed Benedicite by Vaughan Williams.
Saturday, 15 March saw the choir’s annual bring-and-buy coffee morning in Waunfawr Community Hall, one of the choirs major fundraising events of the year.