Ballet students from Aberystwyth Arts Centre Dance School are celebrating their exams with teachers Phillipa Gilbert, Hannah Goodchild, Laura Baker and student teacher Catherine Charlwood, and there are more great results to come.
The thriving dance school will generate over 200 entries for Royal Academy of Dance ballet exams over the course of this school year, with students undertaking everything from Pre-Primary to Grade 8, vocational exams and Discovering Repertoire.

The efforts of dancers and teachers alike have already been rewarded with some fantastic results from the November session - up to a High Distinction at 96 marks.
Philippa Gilbert said: "These results are testament to everyone's dedication, but for us as a team it's the students' love of dance which takes precedence over everything.”
The school will also present a ballet show in December. Show director Hannah Goodchild said: “I can hardly contain my excitement. It's going to be a wonderful show that will appeal to all age groups.”