Practitioners of colour in mid and west Wales are invited to join Aberystwyth Arts Centre on a six-month mentorship programme.

The programme aims to create a supportive space for artists to explore the self-identity and belonging, will give opportunities to engage with a community of diverse creatives, the chance to develop artistic practice and a platform for a wider discussion of work through an exhibition at Aberystwyth Arts Centre.

The centre and artist Jasmine Violet are working in partnership as part of a wider project called Perspective(s), collaborating with the Arts Council of Wales and National Museum Wales to bring about change on how visual arts and heritage reflect the cultural and ethnic diversity of society.

Practitioners will receive £2,000 to create new work, material and travel expenses, a fee for taking part in community events/workshops, artistic and curatorial support from Jasmine Violet and curator, Ffion Rhys and an exhibition at Aberystwyth Arts Centre

For more information email [email protected]