Aberystwyth Arts Centre’s ‘Charlie and the Chocolate Factory’ is a hit!
Director Richard Cheshire breaks your heart one minute and makes you laugh the next. His casting is great with the company’s local youngsters shining as brightly as the seasoned stars around them.
Two children play Charlie Bucket and I was invited to see both. The youngest is Gruffydd Rhys Davies. His interpretation is raw in the most wonderful way. His innocence highlights Charlie’s kindness and he had me crying buckets (no pun intended) throughout.
Evie Hughes’ is equally great. Her maturity highlights Charlie’s quick mind and imagination. This mammoth role would challenge actors three times their age but they take it in their stride.
Also pulling heartstrings is Elian Mai West who is wonderful as Mrs Bucket, and Sam Jones (Willy Wonka) whose sweet shop scenes are particularly touching.

It was great to see some of last year’s ‘Brassed Off’ cast back. Seren Sandham-Davies is delightful as Cherry and Grandma Josephine, Geraint Rhys Edwards’ Grandpa George is hilarious and his Mr Salt, spectacular, and Phylip Harries is wonderful as Grandpa Joe, capturing the character’s cheek, charm and protective nature with aplomb.
Completing the grandparent line-up, and also turning in a great performance as Mrs Gloop, is Caitlin Lavagna.
Augustus Gloop is played by Leif Tor Evans and Charlie Longman and both do brilliantly.
Duane Gooden is slick and cool throughout, particularly as Mr Beauregarde.
Aberystwyth youngster, Miriam Llwyd, is wonderful as Violet, and fellow local, Owen Jac Roberts, captures bratty Mike brilliantly.
Matthew Wellman is smooth anchorman, Jerry, who, with Elian, leads a fantastic troop of oompa loompas, perfectly costumed by Llinos Griffiths Gough and Amy Barrett.
Stealing scenes left, right and centre are choreographer Leanne Pinder (Mrs Green and Mike’s mum) and Aber girl Heledd Davies (Veruca Salt). They are fabulous!

Peter Lochery’s set, Barry Smith’s lighting, and Sam Aitken’s sound work well throughout, and a brilliant band under musical director David Haller completes this spectacular line-up.
We’re lucky to have a show of this calibre in Aberystwyth. Get your golden ticket before 31 August.