‘Angry Snatch: A Reclamation Job in 15 Rounds’ comes to Aberystwyth Arts Centre (10-11 October, 7.45pm).

Created and performed by Frankie Walker in collaboration with Meg Fenwick and Cai Tomos, this provocative and captivating story of reclamation and recovery from intimate partner abuse is based on lived experience.

Physical theatre, spoken word, and dance performed in a boxing ring, confront the traumatic effects of controlling and coercive behaviour as we move through one woman’s healing journey. What is the legacy of abuse and who do we become as a result of it?

The show contains adult themes and references to domestic abuse. Although this piece of work tackles coercive control and domestic abuse you will not see any depictions of violence.

A BSL interpreter will be at the show on Friday, 11 October.

Please contact Aberystwyth Arts Centre to book if you have any access needs that will require suitable seating or if you need a designated wheelchair space.