Aberporth is rediscovering its Welsh language roots with the first Welsh cultural festival in the village for decades.

Gwyl Fach Aberporth is a day-long celebration of the Welsh language with music, theatre, arts and crafts, rock bands and a surprise famous football guest thanks to the FAW.

The line up at the newly rebuilt village hall on Saturday, 22 June includes Cor Blaenporth, the Welsh Whisperer, Bwca and veteran local boys Jess.

Pupils from Ysgol Aberporth will also be taking to the stage along with local harpist Mari Kelly.

President for the day is local county councillor Clive Davies.

"It's a day for everyone to enjoy," said one of the organisers Lisa Stopher.

"We are celebrating Welsh - whether you are a learner or a first language speaker or simply curious to find out what all the fuss is about!

"We are going for a Maes B vibe - everyone welcome and simply lots of fun!"

The day includes street food, football activities plus a free park and ride shuttle bus.

There will also be a showing of a video "Dyma Aberporth" celebrating the village's history, local characters and Welsh culture.

The event is free apart from the evening rock performances which will have a £10 entry charge.