PLANS for a new £40m Aberystwyth University campus at Gogerddan have been unveiled.

An early preview was given for businesses of the progress being made on the new Innovation and Enterprise Campus.

The event saw more than 30 different companies attending, from local food manufacturers to multinational agri-tech businesses.

The event was opened by Professor Chris Thomas, Pro-Vice Chancellor for Research at Aberystwyth University.

The new campus will be built on the site of agricultural buildings near the slip road to Bow Street opposite the FUW’s headquarters.

Speakers at the event included Huw Watkins, project director of AIEC, who outlined the possibilities for facilitating growth at Aberystwyth Innovation and Enterprise Campus, and Prof Jamie Newbold, director of research at Aberystwyth University’s Institute of Biological, Environment and Rural Sciences (IBERS), who provided an update on IBERS’ Research Strategy.

Presentations were also given by Welsh Government representatives who provided information on the SMART Funding suite for Innovation in Wales.

See next week’s south editions for the full story