A VILLAGE primary school near Pwllheli has been given the thumbs-up by inspectors.
Estyn visited Ysgol Gynradd Llangybi before Christmas, and in a report released this week, inspectors rated the school as ‘good’.
Inspectors found the school rated in the second highest category for all five criteria in the inspection framework: standards; wellbeing and attitudes to learning; teaching and learning experiences; care, support and guidance; and leadership and management.
“The headteacher’s effective leadership sets a clear strategic direction for developing the school,” the report said. “All members of staff work well together. This ensures that all aspects of the school’s work have a positive and clear influence on pupils’ achievement and wellbeing, and creates a homely ethos and a well-organised learning community.
“Governors have a sound understanding of the school’s performance, which enables them to challenge the school and hold it to account for its performance effectively and successfully.
“As they move through the school, nearly all pupils, including those with additional learning needs, make sound progress and achieve well by year six.
“Nearly all pupils show a high level of respect and behave well.
“They are polite, foster strong relationships with members of staff,and are welcoming and polite towards visitors.
“Nearly all pupils across the school have positive attitudes to learning.”
Inspectors gave two recommendations for the school to make further improvements.
It asked the school to “provide more opportunities for pupils in key stage 2 to develop numeracy skills and use spreadsheets and databases in their work across the curriculum” and to “provide more opportunities for pupils to make decisions and take responsibility for their own learning in order to develop as independent learners”.
The school will produce an action plan to address the recommendations from the inspection.
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