The Vale of Rheidol Railway’s (VoR) decision to serve notice on Two Hoots Tea Room continues to cause upset.

Melindwr councillor Rhodri Davies called the announcement disappointing, stating it will affect the economy and lead to 15 job losses.

The devastated Devils Bridge Railway Station café operators, who have run Two Hoots for 34 years, say the notice letter on 27 September came as “a total shock”.

VoR say they tried to deliver the news as comfortably as possible.

Cllr Davies said: “The news of closing the popular and much-loved Two Hoots is extremely disappointing with a loss of 15 local jobs.

“Reading messages on social media shows how important this facility is for the area and beyond; closure would affect the local economy.”

Two Hoots are “disappointed and devastated” by the way they were told after 34 years.

“A hand delivered letter to our home at 8am from their solicitors on 27 September came as a total shock with no prior warning or discussion from the railway.

“We’ve had many discussions over the past months/years with the railway about future developments in which we were involved. Our granddaughters have been in these discussions and were looking forward to their future with the railway. The end of contract has come as a total shock.

“We cannot thank everyone enough for their support. We have been inundated with messages.”

Two Hoots’ season ends on 3 November. It will reopen for a short time next year.

VoR said: “The decision to serve notice on Two Hoots Tea Room was a very difficult one that was discussed for months at Board level.

“Significant contributory factors were the plans for a major redevelopment of the Devils Bridge Station site, that the temporary catering building is now life expired and no longer fit for purpose, and that the Board’s vision for the site does not include a stand-alone catering provision as part of the redevelopment, but will ensure that railway customers continue to enjoy quality refreshments throughout their visit.

“While we appreciate that this is unwelcome news for the Two Hoots leaseholders, we have tried to make it as comfortable as possible for them and deeply regret if they do not feel we have achieved that, despite our best efforts.

“As previously stated, the Board sincerely thanks the owners and staff of Two Hoots for their many years of service and wish them all the best in the future.”