Jobs will be lost at Wilko in Porthmadog and Pwllheli following Monday’s announcement that a rescue deal has fallen through and all 400 branches will close.

The Pwllheli branch will close on 21 September. No date has been given for the closure of Porthmadog, but all Wilko branches are expected to close by early October.

Dwyfor Meirionnydd MP Liz Saville Roberts criticised the company, saying she was “disappointed to learn negotiations to secure the future of Wilkos were not successful. This is a blow to all the staff especially those who work at the Wilkos stores in Porthmadog and Pwllheli. This situation will surely cause anxiety and uncertainty during a very challenging economic period. Mine and Mabon ap Gwynfor MS offices are ready to offer advice if needed.

“Wilko’s collapse is symptomatic of the inequality of this economic crisis. Company owners and shareholders took £3m in dividends last year in spite of £39m in losses.”

Employment lawyers Aticus Law, who specialise in bringing legal claims against companies that fail to properly consult with staff during the redundancy process, say they have been contacted by dozens of Wilko workers following news that all 400 stores will close. The firm said it was offering advice about options available if the company fails to properly consult staff over job losses, including filing for a Protective Award claim which allows workers to access up to eight weeks’ worth of pay in compensation, with a cap of £643 per week.