CYMRAEG for Kids sessions are proving to be very popular with parents of babies in the Dwyfor area.

Cymraeg for Kids is a Welsh Government project that offers advice, information and practical support to parents, prospective parents and families on the benefits of both speaking Welsh and choosing Welsh-medium education for their children.

According to Nia Prichard-Williams, Cymraeg for Kids officer in Dwyfor: “These local support sessions provide a great opportunity for new parents with babies and children under the age of three years, to re-engage with the Welsh language in a friendly and informal environment.”

Parents are given an opportunity to learn simple Welsh nursery rhymes, encouraged to read books, learn suitable vocabulary and become familiar with apps and e-Books that they are also able to use at home with their baby.

Cymraeg for Kids also shares information about local Ti a Fi (Welsh medium mother and toddler groups) and Cylch Meithrin groups.

The sessions offer parents the opportunity to meet and socialise with other parents in the area.

All new parents are welcome in the groups.

The groups are open to everyone; learners, non-Welsh speakers and Welsh speakers.

Come on over to see us with a friend to experience a fun and friendly sessions.