A Pencader man who refused a breath test after being caught riding a scooter without a licence or insurance has been banned from the road for two years.

Robert Rees, of 106 Maescader, appeared before Aberystwyth Magistates’ Court on 21 August.

The 28-year-old pleaded guilty to riding a Yamaha scooter without a licence or insurance at Maescader on 3 August.

Rees also admitted failing to give a specimen of breath to police at Aberystwyth police station, and failing to stop when asked by officers.

Rees also pleaded guilty to damaging a door.

Magistrates disqualified Rees from driving for 24 months and he was fined a total of £2,320.

He must also pay £100 compensation, costs of £85 and a £933 surcharge.