A man who was jailed for using threatening and abusive behaviour towards a man in Bow Street in a “nasty” and “unprovoked” incident has been remanded in custody by magistrates after denying being “verbally aggressive and threatening” towards a probation officer following his release from prison.

Mark Roberts, now of no fixed abode, had pleaded not guilty to using threatening or abusive behaviour with intent to cause fear of violence towards Gary Taverner at Afallen Deg in Bow Street on 23 January 2023 but was found guilty following a trial earlier this year and was sent to prison for eight weeks.

The 59-year-old appeared again before Aberystwyth Magistrates’ Court on 16 May.

Roberts is now charged with “failing without reasonable excuse to comply with the supervision requirements imposed following release from a period of imprisonment” by “displayed verbally aggressive and threatening behaviour” towards a probation officer on 14 March this year.

Roberts denied the order breach at the hearing.

He is now due to stand trial on the charge at Aberystwyth Magistrates’ Court on 30 May.

He was remanded in custody by magistrates until that date due to “nature and seriousness” of the alleged offence and his “previous character.”