A Coed y Bryn man who sent “numerous abusive and harassing emails” to two people has been handed a community order by magistrates after pleading guilty to four counts of harassment.

David Hamilton, of Bronallt, appeared before Aberystwyth Magistrates’ Court for sentencing on 16 October.

The 47-year-old had pleaded guilty at a hearing in September to the harassment of Seth Lawrence in Boncath between 27 September and 30 December last year as well as between 28 March and 13 April this year.

Hamilton also admitted the harassment of Kara Dolman, also in Boncath, between 28 September and 15 December last year as well as between 28 March and 13 April this year.

The court heard that on all four occasions Hamilton sent the victims “numerous abusive and harassing emails.”

Magistrates handed Hamilton a two year community order to include 100 hours of unpaid work as well as up to 25 rehabilitation activity days.

Magistrates also made Hamilton the subject of a two year restraining order not to contact by any means either of his victims.

He must also pay costs to the Crown Prosecution Service of £85 as well as a surcharge to fund victim services of £114.