A Coed y Bryn man sent “numerous abusive and harassing emails” to a man and a woman in Boncath will be sentenced next month for four charges harassment.

David Hamilton, of Bronallt, appeared before Aberystwyth Magistrates’ Court on 25 Spetember.

The 47-year-old pleaded guilty to four charges of harassment towards Kara Dolman and Seth Lawrence in Boncath between 28 September and 15 December 2023 as well as also between 28 March and 13 April this year by sending “numerous abusive and harassing emails.”

Magistrates adjourned the case for an all-options pre-sentence report to be prepared.

Hamilton is due to be sentenced at Aberystwyth Magistrates’ Court on 16 October.

He was remanded on conditional bail by magistrates until that hearing date.