A Cardigan man who admitted charges including assault, theft , and criminal damage has been handed an alcohol ban as part of a community order by magistrates.

Mark Brook, of Flat 2, 11 Almora, Priory Street, appeared before Aberystwyth Magistrates’ Court on 11 September.

The 30-year-old pleaded guilty to assaulting Josh Fields and Julie Edwards in Cardigan in 13 August this year.

He also admitted stealing a bottle of wine from the Aldi store in Cardigan, as well as stealing two bottles of wine from the Premier Stores in Cardigan on 13 August.

Brook also pleaded guilty to damaging a plant pot and a security barrier at the Aldi store on 13 August, as well as a charge of using threatening or abusive behaviour on the same day.

Magistrates handed Brook an 18 month community order including 56 days of alcohol abstinence and monitoring.

The community order also includes up to 30 days of rehabilitation activities.

Brook was also ordered to pay compensation to the two assault victims to a total of £150, as well as compensation to Aldi of £6.99 and Premier Stores of £14.99.

He must also pay costs to the Crown Prosecution Service of £85.