A Betws Ifan man has been fined for keeping neighbours constantly awake with the noise of cockerels and doing nothing to prevent it.

Christopher Wise, of Llainweddfa, appeared before Aberystwyth Magistrates’ Court on 28 February.

The 38-year-old pleaded guilty to failing to comply with the requirements of a Noise Abatement Notice served to him “relating to night-time cockerel noise keeping his neighbours awake.”

Wise “repeatedly ignored guidance given to him from Ceredigion Officers”, the court heard, which included relocating the birds away from the boundary with neighbouring properties and ensuring that the birds were housed within suitable outbuildings that would prevent the escape of noise.

Wise also ignored warnings about increasing the number of cockerels on site.

Findings from early-hours visits conducted by Ceredigion Public Protection Officers in October 2023 confirmed that cockerel noise could be heard clearly within the bedrooms of neighbouring properties with closed windows.

Officers noted that at times the crowing occurred so regularly there was almost no break in the noise.

The court heard there was “sufficient evidence to prove that the previously served Abatement Notice was not being complied with.”

Wise was fined £120 and must pay costs of £150 and a surcharge of £96.