A MACHYNLLETH man who attacked his former partner, threatened her with a knife and strangled her until she lost consciousness, has been sentenced to 32 months in prison.

Andrew Craig Page, aged 36, of no fixed abode was sentenced at Swansea Crown Court on Monday (24 July) after changing his plea to guilty on the first day of his trial that day.

On 5 February this year the pair were at the victim’s home in Machynlleth and were initially getting along before Page started questioning why her phone was on silent.

An argument followed and Page, who was shouting and became erratic, refused to leave when requested.

His behaviour escalated to him picking up a knife and threatening to kill the woman.

During the attack he threw her on the floor, followed her up the stairs with a knife in his hand and made her leave the door open while she used the toilet, strangled her until she passed out and repeatedly accused her of trying to play the victim.

The abuse lasted hours with Page following her to bed with the knife and sleeping with it on the bedside table, while his frightened victim lay awake all night.

It only ended when his boss came to collect Page, a labourer, for work.

His victim was left with marks around her neck from strangulation, marks on her head and face, and upper chest, and bruising on her arm and back.

Following the incident Page repeatedly messaged his victim to apologise, saying he never meant to be violent.

He told her that he needed help and that she didn’t deserve what he had done, and that he had nowhere to go and was sleeping rough in Machynlleth.

The victim and a colleague were approached in the Co-op in Machynlleth by someone who had heard of the abuse from Page.

They said he had told a friend he had strangled his victim until she was unconscious but that the only thing he was bothered about was “what to do with it if it was dead”.

On 11 February, Page phoned the victim crying saying that he had beaten his mate up and that he didn’t know why he was so angry all the time.

On 15 February, Page was invited back to her home, with the victim hoping to support him to get help for his mental health after he had told her he would not be violent again.

But when she went to toilet and came back downstairs, he started crying saying he had been through her phone and seen messages from men, before getting angry

The argument continued for some time before she told him she was going to bed. When she woke, he was there ready to continue arguing with her.

He followed her, shouting at her, and when she tried to leave through the front door but he grabbed her by the arm saying: “You’re not going anywhere. I’m sorry, I’m going to have to do it this time, I’m going to have to kill you”.

He assaulted her again and during the attack continued his threats saying: “You have to die this time.” Page also smashed her TV.

The woman eventually got out and fled to work before reporting the attacks to the police.

On 17 February, Page was arrested and charged with intentional strangulation, threats to kill, criminal damage and assault by beating, and remanded to court the following day.

On Monday, he pleaded guilty an offence of non-fatal strangulation with the facts of the threats to kill incorporated and the criminal damage count laying on file.

As well as his custodial sentence, Page was handed a five-year restraining order.

Officer in the case, DS Ciaran Cotter, said: “As we often see, this case involved a man being violent, abusive and controlling but then apologising and asking for help once the abuse had stopped.

“Page then tricked his victim into thinking he could change but all he wanted to do was continue his control and abuse.

“I would like to commend her strength in breaking free and seeking help from the police. She was subjected to two nasty attacks at the hands of someone she should have been able to trust. Despite this she has shown great dignity during the investigation and court case.

“Dyfed-Powys Police will not tolerate violence against women and girls.

“We hope this sentencing gives more victims the confidence to come forward - you will be listened to and we will support you throughout the investigation as we seek justice for you.”

If you are in an abusive relationship, you can contact Dyfed-Powys Police online by emailing, or by calling 101.

If you are deaf, hard of hearing, or speech impaired text the non-emergency number on 07811 311 908.