AN ABERYSTWYTH man has been banned from the road and handed a community order after admitting failing to provide a specimen to police, obstructing a police officer and using threatening behaviour.

Harry Margolis, of 14 Queens Road, appeared before Llanelli Magistrates’ Court last week for sentencing.

The 34-year-old had pleaded guilty at an earlier hearing to failing to provide a specimen to police when suspected of having driven a vehicle in Aberystwyth on Monday, 18 July.

Margolis also admitted using threatening behaviour and obstructing two police officers in the execution of their duties during the same incident.

Magistrates disqualified Margolis from driving for 12 months.

He was handed a 12 month community corder to include 100 hours of unpaid work and six months of alcohol treatment.

Margolis will also have to undertake 15 rehabilitation activity days.

He must also pay costs to the Crown Prosecution Service of £85 and a victim surcharge of £114.