An Aberystwyth sex offender will be sentenced at Swansea Crown Court later this month after appearing in court and admitting making 65 indecent images of children as well as a charge of failing to comply with the sex offenders register by using an alias on social media.

Jason Howell, of Flat 2, Blaenllynant Lodge, Upper Queens Road, appeared before Aberystwyth Magistrates’ Court on Wednesday, 31 July.

The 50-year-old entered guilty pleas to three charges of making a total of 65 indecent images of children between 1 November 2020 and 18 July last year.

The court heard that 22 of the indecent images were of the most serious category A.

14 of the images were of category C, and 29 of category B.

Howell, who was already on the sex offenders register, also admitted failing to comply with notification requirements by failing to notify police of an alias he used on social media on 31 March last year.

Howell is next due to appear for sentencing at Swansea Crown Court on 22 August.

He was remanded on unconditional bail until that hearing date and is required to register with the police in Aberystwyth until the case is dealt with.