An 82-year-old Capel Bangor driver who was caught on a dashcam veering across the road “over a prolonged period of time” has been fined by magistrates.

Llanelli Magistrates’ Court heard on 24 July that Arnold Selwyn Evans, of Cwmythig, was driving a Range Rover Sport on the A44 between Aberystwyth and Capel Bangor through the Lovesgrove roundabout on 12 March this year.

The court heard that dashcam footage “captured Evans’ vehicle veering from the nearside to the offside of the road over a prolonged period of time.”

Evans “can be seen straddling the centre road markings and on a number of occasions the defendant crosses both broken white line road markings and solid white road markings with on-coming vehicles passing in the opposite direction,” the court heard.

The footage capturing Evans from a car travelling behind him totalled clips more than nine minutes long, the court heard.

Evans, who pleaded guilty to a charge of driving without due care and attention, was handed a £200 fine by magistrates.

Magistrates also endorsed his driving licence with four penalty points.

Evans must also pay prosecution costs of £85 as well as a surcharge to fund victim services of £80.