Gwynedd Council has created an online ‘one-stop shop’ of useful information about household bills, benefits and more as part of a campaign to ensure people get the help they are eligible for and cope with the cost of living crisis over this challenging winter.

In the autumn, the council announced a package worth £193,000 of measures until March 2023 to help families get food on the table and keep warm. Now it is winter, the council want to remind people of the help available, and this can be found at

People who do not have access to the web at home can use computers for free in Gwynedd libraries. The information is also available in a newsletter that was distributed to homes in November. Copies are available at Siop Gwynedd receptions and in libraries.

Council leader, Dyfrig Siencyn, said: “Huge price hikes and spiralling mortgage interest rates are a hammer blow for families across Gwynedd and the situation is deteriorating fast. People who have never struggled in the past are unable to pay their bills and those who were already vulnerable have been placed in an impossible position.”

“This time of the year can be especially challenging as well, with the extra costs of heating the home over the festive period and the pressure on families to be able to celebrate Christmas.

“Alongside more long-term measures such as investing in housing schemes, we have created a simple ‘one-stop-shop’ on the council website which pulls together all we can offer in one place.

“I urge everyone to take a few minutes to visit this page to make sure that you and your family are receiving all the practical help, support and advice which you are entitled to.”

In addition to the information on the website, the council has appointed officers to help people cope with the cost of living crisis.

Chloe Roberts and Victoria Jones help direct people to the support available, for example they have organised drop-in sessions in communities across Gwynedd, working with local groups to help ensure that affordable food is available to everyone who needs it in an emergency. They have also helped to develop a network of ‘Croeso Cynnes’ warm hubs for vulnerable residents to keep warm this winter. Information about the locations is available on the ‘one-stop shop’ page on the website.

Energy advisers Ffion Haf and Meilyr Tomos are busy going through all the offers and opportunities available in the sector to help people find out what is relevant to them. This can include an energy efficiency improvement plan for a house or short-term help through this winter. Ffion and Meilyr work with a large number of partners in the sector, and try to spend as much of their time as possible out in the community.