At Tywyn Inner Wheel's March meeting at the Talyllyn Railway on Thursday, 13 March, Pam Milward received her new member's badge.

Invitations to Inter-club events and letters of thanks for donations were read out.

It was agreed to donate £200 to President Lynda's chosen charity, Macmillan nurses.

Nominations for the 2025/6 executive were received and accepted.

A coffee morning is being planned for Easter Saturday at Tywyn Baptist Church.

Following the business meeting, a very tasty supper was enjoyed in the restaurant, and the raffle won by Mary Bowron.

Ellen Jones of Morawel Flower Shop, Tywyn High Street, gave an interesting talk and demonstration of two Japanese- style arrangements and an Easter swag.

The next meeting is on Thursday, 10 April at 6pm.

Tywyn Inner Wheel President, Lynda Morris, presents a cheque to florist Ellen Jones of Morawel, for her chosen charity, Motor Neurone Disease
Tywyn Inner Wheel President, Lynda Morris, presents a cheque to florist Ellen Jones of Morawel, for her chosen charity, Motor Neurone Disease (Pic supplied)