After the usual summer break, Tywyn Garden Club met again in September and October with the theme of gardening at the seaside.

The September speaker was Ernie Puddick who showed pictures of the wonderful public gardens in Brighton in the 1970s where he first started work.

He brought along a selection of plants to sell that he grows successfully in his seaside garden, and he explained how to propagate them too.

The October meeting showed three films with different gardening ideas and plants from around the world, as well as native plants. Ideas to inspire all that, despite climate change and unpredictable weather, we can all make gardening easier if we wish. There was a discussion about the effects of the salt laden air off the sea which seems to vary considerably depending on distance and height from Cardigan Bay.

Quentin Deakin won a patio rose for the lucky door ticket.

The next meeting is Tuesday, 12 November when there will be two speakers - 'Life on the Edge' and 'Wild Wonderful Plants' with Peter Ogden and Ann Thomas.

Members and visitors are welcome.