On Monday, 9 September, Meirionnydd Ramblers take on Nant Pasgan.

Cwm Moch lies to the west of Trawsfynydd and may have been named to reflect the area's historical use for pig farming or for the presence of wild pigs.

Whilst there is no evidence of either today, to expert eyes there are remains of bronze age hut circles in the area. Easier to see is the well preserved medieval farmhouse of Nant Pasgan Mawr which sits at the bottom of Nant Pasgan valley and this is the objective of today's walk.

To reach it we shall first walk along the minor road to Tyn Twll before beginning an ascent to a ladder stile where we shall have a short break before continuing on indistinct paths into the remote Cwm.

The area is always boggy and at times the path will be obscured by bracken so waterproof boots are highly recommended along with gaiters and walking poles if you use these.

Depending on rainfall in the preceding days small streams which have to be negotiated may be in spate, so please be prepared for this.

The rewards for our efforts in negotiating what are at times challenging ground conditions will hopefully be some beautiful views of Cardigan Bay and the surrounding mountains which include Yr Eifl, Moel Hebog and the Nantlle Ridge.

We finish the walk along the conduit feeding Llyn Trawsfynydd before joining the cycle track and the minor road back to the car park.

The total ascent on this 9 mile / 14.5 kilometre walk is approximately 1,200 feet. The walk will be weather dependant so please book with leader.

This is a group grade C+/B- circular walk.

The start time is 10am and the estimated finish time is 4.30pm.

Start at the car park off the minor road south of Trawsfynydd, by Llyn Trawsfynydd (Grid Ref: SH703348) before10am.

This is National Grade: Strenuous with an ascent of 1,200ft / 366 metres.

Please contact the walk leader, Gill C, to book.

Call 01654 712747.

For more information about the group and all their walks, please visit www.meirionnyddramblers.org.uk.