At its last meeting in February, three members of Harlech Historical Society - Neil Evans, Sian Roberts and Robin Emmerson - gave fascinating and illuminating short talks about the origins, design and historical significance of Harlech Castle.

This theme of castles will be continued in the March meeting of the society.

There is a view that Harlech and the other Edwardian castles are the highpoint of castle-building. But what happened to castles in the century after Harlech? Robin Emmerson will take up this question and look at whether or not they worked, how they changed and how people lived in them, in Britain and France. Robin was formerly Curator of Decorative Arts at National Museums Liverpool and has published extensively on medieval art, among other subjects.

The talk will take place at the Memorial Hall, Twtil, Harlech on Tuesday, 11 March at 7.30pm. All welcome. No charge for members; non-members £3, including refreshments.

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