Clwb Rygbi Dolgellau have been busy celebrating their 75th Anniversary.

On Friday, 19 July, they kicked the weekend off in the company of DJ Bustach, with Bingo Boncyrs as a fundraiser for Ysgolion Bro Idris where nearly £500 was raised for the school.

On Saturday night over 150 people enjoyed an evening in the rugby-themed marquee, in the company of Nigel Owens, widely regarded as one of the greatest rugby referees of all time.

Local pianist Osian Lewis-Smith welcomed the arrival of the guest, and memories were told by John Dakers (Captain between 1963-66), Eryl Williams (former secretary) and Emlyn Roberts (current Chairman and former captain) who all gave humerous accounts of their memories, both on and off the pitch.

After enjoying a three course meal prepared by Nia Arwylo Cyfnod, the spotlight turned to Nigel Owens who didn’t disappoint the audience with his amusing recollections of various high profile rugby matches he had refereed during his illustrious career.

His detail for the matches was enthralling, and he captivated the audience for over an hour. It was wonderful to see many past and current players at the event, and the evening finished by an Auction masterfully controlled by Tudur Evans.

A sum of £600 was raised for Air Ambulance Cymru.

As ever, Rod Davies was on hand recording the event – the album of pictures is available on the club facebook page. A huge thank to everybody who sponsored the weekend, and also to everybody to attended what was undoubtedly a memorable event for the club.